

It all started in with a pub conversation and ended in an epic 27,000-mile journey from the northernmost licensed premises in the world to the southernmost. If that wasn’t a crazy enough plan, its creator, the Briton Ben Coombs, decided to make it in his TVR Chimaera. Just to get to the beginning of this huge adventure required 3000 miles of driving to reach the start point in Svalbard, just 700 miles from the North Pole.

After 24 countries, 27,000 miles and passing along many of the most inhospitable roads in the world, Ben finally reached Puerto Williams in Tierra del Fuego, Chile. With seven months of driving under the TVR’s wheels, this was the southernmost pub outside of Antarctica. Ben has written a book about his adventure and sums it up by saying: ‘It wasn’t about the destination, it was about the journey.’
